The following things were accomplished by me at the crack of dawn: 1) cleaned kitchen, 2) created 9 envelopes of various sizes from a map of the world given to me by the Mighty Lee, 3) threw out copious amounts of previously filed papers that are now meaningless, 4) filled a garbage bag with stuff I can't believe that I still have. The phone rang around 9 am and, after hanging up, I fell asleep for three hours. Then I cleaned the tub and it's now fit to take a bath in. God, is it ever hot. Then, I took scissors to my old man pajama pants again and turned them into shorts.
Here is a marvelous comic book cover sent to me recently. It is amazing and funny needed to be posted for obvious reasons.

I will have to track it down to discover what "thing" grew on the moon and what it had to do with last boys on Earth!
ReplyDeletePlease do. And report back. This mystery haunts me.