Thursday, July 9, 2009

positively 4th street

The stretch of west 4th between Market and Bentz is nothing if not quirky. It's happily shabby and does not think too much of itself as it just is what it is: a transitional strip between commerce and wealth. It's no east 3rd or west 2nd where life begins and ends with this month's Architectural Digest but it does have it's own quiet charm. I'm lucky to be here.

This has nothing to do with sidewalk happenings but, this morning I stood on my cafe chair and cut off the tail end of my neighbor's hanging plant. It's a philodendron of some sort that's gone long and leggy and dangles from the balcony above. He'll never know the difference. My stolen cutting is presently growing roots in a jar in my kitchen. A couple of days ago I was stuck in car repair hell and ventured over to Home Depot's garden center to wait it out where I was overcome with the desire for an additional houseplant. Plants, like air and water, should really be free ~ and I am a girl with a scissor collection.

Have a grand day! Wish you were here.


  1. That plant is gonna be big and beautiful in no time at all. That one is so easy to care for...Mother-in-law Tongue is pretty hardy, too but perhaps not nearly as pretty as some others.

  2. I wish I was there too. Lordy! The electrical gods vomited all over that there post. And that entry looks like it could lead to either a whole other world or a proper mugging.
