Friday, August 21, 2009

ten dollars

There's a tiny farmers' market on East Street every Thursday from 3 to 6 pm that I've managed to miss on a regular basis. The farmers themselves are normal size, it's just that there's only four of them. I took ten dollars there to see what I could get and this is what came home with me.

I skipped the piles of zucchini because, quite frankly, I'm not a fan of zucchini. Tomatoes are missing from this collection also as a coworker recently sent me home with several from her garden. Anyhoo, all of the above was sliced, diced, and frozen and will be eaten by me during the winter when said market is long gone. I've sworn off convenience eating.

That little loaf of whole wheat brioche was baked by Cakes for Cause. Pictured below is Elin, executive director of Cakes for Cause and her helper friend whose name I forgot to ask. Clearly he has moxie.


  1. Hmm, wonder why there's only four farmers there? Benji has taken to eating green peppers all by themselves for a snack. Of all the foods to decide to like? He's sooo picky.

  2. It's a teeny tiny parking lot. I think it's a 'downtown' experiment. There's a bigger market out by the cheap theatre but one (me) would have to drive to get there. It was Cakes for Causes' second week.

    My need for green peppers stems from childhood memories of italian sausage fried up with them on open grills downtown in the summer. Eating them any other way is just plain weird. But Benji's a sweetheart so he's allowed.

  3. clearly he has moxie....BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH! You crack me up! :)


  4. Interesting thaz this falls into the "bread, food, money" categories automatically. Fresh stuff just looks good. I am hungry now.
